My family joined a Community Garden in Denver this summer. We found out about it during our Heirloom Vegetable Plant Sale and decided that it would be a great way to grow some of our own veggies. Our garden at home is full of perrennials and does not receive full sun so growing vegetables was never successful there.
My husband is the one who really knows what he’s doing in the garden but after this summer I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. The hardest part was ammending the soil in the very beginning. Later on I discovered the joys of weed pulling (heavy sarcasm) but things got easier once I got into a rhythm.
We were hit hard during the draught but our plants made it through. For me the best part was watching the kids help out with gardening. They were really excited to see all of the great food we were bringing home. I’ve been very proud of our little garden plot and have shared our experience with friends and family. Most recently I wrote a guest post for a friend’s blog about our tomatoes. When she was in town this summer, I showed her the community garden. Since then she has started working on starting a community garden in her own neighborhood in Austin, TX.
Bringing home vegetables every week has forced me to learn a few new things in the kitchen as well. Hopefully I’ll be sharing some tips in the coming weeks. For now here are a few pics.
I’m surprised at how many pumpkins we’ve grown! |
Heirloom Tomatoes on the Vine |
on joining and/or starting a local Community Garden
Harvesting veggies each week keeps me busy in the kitchen! |
Mmmm Mmmm |