I’ve been wearing my natural hair straight more often recently. My straight hair calls for a totally different routine than the one I would use for my hair when it is shrunken and curly. My main objective for my straight hair is to keep it looking fresh while maintaining moisture levels. Some naturals find this hard because our hair can revert back to curly so easily.

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Hair that is moisturized looks and feels so much better after using direct heat. I still moisturize and seal my hair while it’s straight but I’m also aware that starting the straightening process with a moisture based deep condition is key. I also use grapeseed oil to seal in the moisture from my leave-in conditioner prior to air drying, roller setting or blow drying my hair. Ever since I added the grapeseed oil to my flat ironing regimen, I have noticed that my hair feels softer and more supple after straightening. The oil also helps to give my hair a smoother finish without having to use extremely high temperatures.
Once my hair is straight, I continue to moisturize it using a leave-in conditioner. I’m currently using Herbal Essence Touchably Smooth Split End Protector*. The trick here is to use just a little bit so that it doesn’t wet my hair. I split my hair into two sections and then apply a dime size amount (or less) to one section. I then use two to three drops of grapeseed oil to seal in the moisture. I don’t have to do this every day that my hair is straight because the oil does such a great job of locking the moisture in.
When I want to keep my hair really straight I just wrap it and then wear a wig cap to keep my wrap down tight. I used to use a satin scarf but it kept coming off at night. In the morning I just comb my hair down with a wide tooth comb and go. If I have curls in my hair then I do five or six large pin curls and go to sleep with a satin bonnet or scarf. The next day, all I have to do is take the pins out and finger comb my curls.
My straight natural hair isn’t perfect though. I still get fuzzy edges from when water seeps in underneath the edge of my shower cap. My nape area also tends to revert back way before wash day but I’ve learned to just live with it. I usually wear it straight for about a week but would like to start stretching that to two weeks in the future.
*Formerly and currently known as the Long Term Relationship Split End Defense Cream depending on which packaging is available. (UPDATE 2019 – Currently using Paul Mitchell The Conditioner Leave-in)
Be sure to check out my Youtube Channel, CurlyinColorado, for videos on my Straight Natural Hair routine