Denver Natural Hair Care Expo this Weekend Denver Natural Hair Care Expo
I’ll be a panelist at the
Denver Natural Hair Care Expo

My online blogging and vlogging life has always been more about my own personal hair journey than anything else.  I’ve watched how other cities’ natural hair populations have grown leading to large events for naturals.  I kept wishing the same for Denver and even discussed the matter with a fellow blogger, Sabrina Perkins, of  Seriously Natural.  A couple of years ago, we hosted a small meet-up in downtown Denver for naturals and transitioners.  It was tons of fun to see local ladies getting together and discussing natural hair.

Since then I have noticed that other meet-up groups have popped up in the metro area and meet on a more regular basis.  Now, Denver is getting it’s own Natural Hair Care Expo which will be held this Sunday, June 8th, at the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Theatre.  The event is part of the Evolution Tour which is, “an 18 stop tour that crosses the country, educating people on natural hair care, holistic health and beauty.” 

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be on the discussion panel.  Hopefully I’ll get to meet some of my readers there but mostly I’m glad to be a part of it all.  Check out the promo photo below for more info.  Hope to see you there!

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