Finally on Facebook and Instagram

I know I’m pretty late on this but bear with me.  I started a page on Facebook sometime ago but was never really sure how to keep it separate from all of my other Facebook ongoings.  My friends and family already hear enough about my hair as it is and I didn’t want to blast them with it on there too.  So the Facebook page for my blog was born but then it just sat for a while.  Fast forward to this fall, where I’ve been a lot more productive for some reason and got back to this whole social media thing.

I also decided to start an account on Instagram because I really like photography.  I figured it would be a fun way to update my YouTube subscribers on some of the daily styling I do with my hair.  Since I upgraded to a new phone I thought it was a good time to check it out.  I have since found out that there is a ton of stuff to see on Instagram and I’m having a lot of fun with it.


I’ll be using the two social media sites to keep everyone up to date on what is going on during my four month No Heat Challenge which will take us into early 2014.  For now I’m just enjoying my new “online life”.

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