I hate shrinkage. That seems to be the one thing that I don’t like about my natural hair journey. My hair loves to shrink up into a tiny afro so I’m always looking for ways to get more hang time. I used to think that the hair products I used for my curly hair routine would give me more length. Lately though, I’m finding that it has a lot more to do with technique.
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My Curly Hair Routine with Less Shrinkage
Whenever I wear my hair curly I usually only use three products. I always reach for a leave-in conditioner, a moisturizer and a styler. The only other thing I use is water which I keep in a spray bottle so that I can spritz each section when needed. Currently my wash and go combo is Aussie Moist conditioner, a Shea Moisture product for, well, moisture and Eco Styler Gel with Argan Oil. Now, I didn’t specify which Shea Moisture product because I have been getting great results from multiple items in their line. The Curl n’ Style Milk is a keeper while the Raw Shea Butter Extra Moisture Transitioning Milk and Restorative Conditoner also work for my hair. Lastly, to combat frizz and give curl definition, I use the hair gel. Eco Styler gel and I go way back so be sure to check out some of my other posts on this product.

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