My hair was neck length to shoulder length and back again for as long as I could remember. My husband kept telling me that the reason for this was that I kept cutting my hair so often. To that I would say, “I have to cut it. Look at all these split ends!”.
My hair was relaxed and had been since I was 11 years old. I never even considered that there was any other way. Once I saw new growth, I went out for another relaxer. Of, course I was doing it all on my own; Haircolor, trims and applying the relaxer myself. My hair was in a state but I always knew how to mask the damage so that it looked presentable.

Then, out of nowhere, my flatiron broke. I am still not sure what was wrong with it but it just quit working. My first thought was to replace it, but then I thought that it was some kind of sign (I’m funny like that). I decided to hold off and began searching for an alternative. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of my natural hair journey.
Next time…Stay relaxed or go natural?