How to Care for Natural Hair During the Winter Months haircare natural hair
My hair is softer and more manageable thanks to using Olive Oil

I have a love/hate relationship with the long winters that are common here in Colorado.  On the one hand, you have fun times in the snow and beautiful scenery.  On the other, unpleasant bouts of dry skin and hair.  I realize that other states get plenty of snow like we do here in Colorado.  Thing is, we also have a dry climate which can seem even drier during the wintertime.  This seasonal change can lead to skin that soaks up lotion like a sponge.  It can also be a burden to my already thirsty natural hair.

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How Heat Damage Led to My Mini Big Chop Heat Damage Mini Big Chop
My hair after my mini big chop in February 2016

Stubborn.  I guess that’s the word for it because I have no other way to describe it.  I keep trying to straighten my hair until it is laid to the gods and it keeps coming back with heat damage.  Yes, I have now, to date, given myself heat damage more times than I can remember.  There isn’t a stylist to blame or even a lack of knowledge on my part.  I knew better and still wound up damaging my hair while straightening it.

Continue reading “How Heat Damage Led to My Mini Big Chop”

Getting Back to it After a Long Blog Hiatus, Blog Hiatus, Natural Hair Blog, BloggerThere were plenty of times during my blog hiatus that I thought about updating everyone on my hair journey.  Thing is, the end of 2015 and all of 2016 proved to be very challenging for me personally.  It turns out that I was experiencing chronic pain from a large tumor like growth in my lower abdomen.  The pain increased and eventually led to an abdominal surgery in October of 2016.  After the surgery it was later concluded that the growth was the result of endometriosis. Continue reading “Getting Back to it After a Long Blog Hiatus”

My Summertime Wash n’ Go Routine

 Now we all know that “wash n’ go” is just what we say when we wear a style that shows off our natural curls right?  Okay then, with that said, this is what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks for MY wash n’ go (insert smiley face here).  To be honest, the hot, summer-like weather did not hit us Coloradans until mid-July.  For that reason, I’ve only just recently gotten into a summertime routine for my wash n’ go.

wash n go routine, curly hair, natural hair
My summer wash n’ go style back in 2015

Continue reading “My Summertime Wash n’ Go Routine”

Letting Go of Heat Damage

Naturally curly hair can take some getting used to.  When I first went natural I did all that I could to learn more about how to grow my hair longer and stronger.  Since I hadn’t worn my natural hair  since I was a pre-teen, I was very new to the idea.  Because of this my hair journey began with a lot of trial and error.  Heat damage ended up being on of my biggest mistakes early on.  I created a regimen for myself that included straightening my hair once a month.  Of course, I knew about deep conditioning and heat protectant but still didn’t know hcurlyincolorado.comow MY hair reacted to heat.

At the time I was of the mind that hair of my type required at least 400 degrees or more for straightening.  I later found out that using the right
technique also plays a huge role in how smooth my hair turns out.  Also, I was of the mind that having natural, unprocessed hair meant that my hair would withstand heat and manipulation differently.  This mindset eventually led to my misuse of heat on one occasion that left a section of my hair heat damaged. Continue reading “Letting Go of Heat Damage”