I started using Henna at the beginning of the year and immediately noticed its’ benefits. Unfortunately, I wasn’t too sure about the brand I used so I later found out that it possibly had sand in it as a filler. This is sometimes the case when buying from a local store because manufacturers have been known to add things to packaged Henna.
Henna, Amla Powder and Amla Oil from Ananda Bazaar in South Aurora |
Since then I’ve been ordering all of my Henna online to make sure I’m getting quality, 100% pure henna to dye my hair. This can be costly though so, I have been
determined to find it locally to save on shipping. I kept checking out different stores and finding mostly groceries and dvd’s.
Today I decided to head back to the Ananda Bazaar in Aurora where I found the Henna I used on my first application. I was amazed to find that the shopkeeper is now selling the Henna brands I have been hearing everyone rave about. We’re talkin’ Reshma, Jamila and Hesh varieties. He also now carries Neem oil, Shikaki, Amla powder and Dabur’s Amla oil. For about $16, I left out of there with 5 boxes of product (less than half of what I would pay online). I wanted to by more but at least now I know where to go when I need my Henna fix..lol.
After opening the henna boxes I was happy to see henna of a fine, powdery consistency without all of the additives I found in that first package. The Amla is to help darken the color so that the henna won’t be so red. I’ve also heard that it will keep the henna from loosening my curl pattern. It is already looser than before so I don’t want to lose my curls completely. Now I can’t wait to do my next application so I can cover up these stubborn grey hairs!